Private Notepad can be used to store your private information using secure 256 bit encryption. The program can be installed on your computer or copied to and used from a memory stick so that you can access your private information to any computer. Text files can be read using "Private Notepad Mobile" on Windows Mobile. Information can be stored as properly formatted text. You can change the size, color and font of your text to make you document look professional. Web site addresses in your document will work as proper clickable hyperlinks. You can use Private Notepad to write an send emails too.
- You can store links to favorite web sites in a file that you use on any computer
- You can write your resume on your work computer without anyone finding out
- You can write your Christmas present list on your computer without your clever kids being able to read it.
- You can write your poetry or story without anyone being able to read it until it is ready.
- You can send an email from a public computer without any trace of the content being left
- You can use Private notepad to view normal unencrypted files too.
- You can right click any file and chose to Send To.. Private Notepad
- You can use Private Notepad as your normal file viewer for encrypted and normal files.